Over cocktails and tapas at Extra Virgin with Best Friend last night (delish!!), I was accused of being very smart and having all the answers. Sweet, but both claims are false, I assure you! Unless I've lived your life and walked in your shoes, there's no way I can have all the answers you need and know what's best for you. (Those who claim to know for certain are full of themselves.) What is true however, is that I listen and I ask tons of questions to the people who claim to not know. In looking to validate their reply, sometimes they discover they've had the answers they seek all along and didn't realize it. The challenge in getting to these answers within you is to quiet that inner chatter that keeps repeating misinformation and buttressing your unreasonable fears. The voice that says you can't and shouldn't and how dare you. It's normal and natural to have those doubts and fears echoing with your inner voice. It's like your own built in parent and you're still four years old. But how to quiet that? When facing those big-picture "what should I be doing with my life" kind of questions, my advice (being a list-maker) is to write down—specifically—all the things you enjoy doing, the things you'd do even if you weren't paid to do them. Like helping little kids tie their shoes, being outside, driving a forklift, painting portraits, whatever. The answers may already be within your list. If you were looking at your list as an outsider, what would you recommend? What things could you combine in a novel way? Since I believe that we teach best what we most need to learn, I need to get it in gear! I need to make my specific "what Cami likes to do" list. It'll be huge. Then the list of "what Cami doesn't like to do." That'll be smaller. From there I hope to discover what wonderful things await me. Thanks for reading, Cami =) Comments are closed.
Cami Travis-GrovesGood juju-spreader, speaker, graphic designer. I'd love to hear from you! Archives
June 2014