Please read this well-written, article. It's full of great stuff. And it's appropriately named, too. "How to Get Flat Abs, Have Amazing Sex and Rule the World in 8 Easy Steps" I should have kept quiet, I really should have. But I was being supporting. I just didn't realize… Husband is having some foot/ankle/leg issues, and had to back out of a 5K run, which would have been his first. He promised a dear friend of ours he'd do it to support her efforts to meet all her goals for the year, this 5K being the last thing on her list. I've recently started running. Well, let me clarify. I kind of run. I jog. Slowly. Until I can't breathe, then I walk. But I've gotten a lot better, and last Saturday, I "ran" about 90% of my usual walking trail, which I think is almost 2 miles. At least according to my iPod is 1.77 miles. So who knows. Anyway, I asked Husband if I could help him with the 5K run, knowing our friend would let me walk it if I had to, no problem. He said yes and switched the registration to my name. Then I started asking about the run. Oh lordy. I really should have asked first about the run, THEN thought about it. Because had I known… Not only am I NOT a runner, I hate to get dirty. I mean, really really HATE to get dirty. My kids make fun of me for it. And my kids are envious. I'm dreading the mud and dirt. Can I skip that part? Is there a shower I can use right after the run? That's going to stain, isn't it?
Wish me luck and good juju, as I undertake my first run, my first 5K, and my first time getting really muddy. If you're local, feel free to come and laugh, October 5. Or lordy. What did I do? Thanks for reading! Cami =) |
Cami Travis-GrovesGood juju-spreader, speaker, graphic designer. I'd love to hear from you! Archives
June 2014