Why, WHY, do they not make beautiful cars like this anymore? So many curves, so much flair! It seems to me there is no "flavor" to car designs in the last 20 years. They all look so similar. These here are cars with sassy FLAVOR. The photos were taken by John Rawlings; I found them at Retronaut. Enjoy! Can you picture this last one holding up her little smartphone instead of whatever that is. Glorious is what that is. Finny, glorious flavor. Forgive me for posting screenshots—the photos were just too yummy not to share. Head on over to Retronaut and enjoy the rest. And the rabbit hole. Seriously, you could get lost there for hours! Thanks for reading! Cami =) 79
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Cami Travis-GrovesGood juju-spreader, speaker, graphic designer. I'd love to hear from you! Archives
June 2014