Life throws situations at you almost daily where you have to decide on the best path to take, and the way isn't obvious to you. Should you quit your day job to go out freelancing on your own? Should you go into business with someone, even though you have doubts? Should you start over and go back to school, or just hang on doing what you're doing? Is that feeling in your gut fear or excitement? Are there good things waiting for you just around the corner, or is it disaster ready to strike? Is that a light at the end of the tunnel, or is it a train? Aaaaaaggghhh!!! Your logic/left brain is throwing up red flags and dwelling on all that could go wrong and growing your fear. Your passion/right brain is telling you that the potential reward is worth the risk, that you'll never know unless you try. But you have to come to a decision. When you can't see a clear path, use my "Risk Grid." Fill it out honestly and with as much detail as you can foresee: Best case scenario if I do this thing, worst case scenario if I do this thing, etc. Be painfully honest with yourself; no one else will see this, and no one else could interpret it for you. When it's filled out, it will become obvious to you—it's the square with the juiciest, most meaningful, important points. Done! Decision made! Yessss!! Once you've decided, jump in with both feet and get that momentum started! Wahooo! Thanks for reading! Cami =) 80
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Cami Travis-GrovesGood juju-spreader, speaker, graphic designer. I'd love to hear from you! Archives
June 2014