While I'm waiting for CS6 to install (EEeeee!!, I know right?!), I'll peruse February, since I can't remember any specifics about that either.
I spoke to a group of KU graphic design graduates about playing nicely with others in the workplace. It was the first time I had been on the KU campus. Very cool. I had the idea that these students could really benefit from job-shadowing people in the creative industry. The students were absolutely thrilled at the idea but, sadly, no one I contacted would say yes. What is it about sharing what we know that's not appealing? Where I work isn't very exciting for a graduating senior, but it's knowledge they would not have had the opportunity to gain before. Apparently, I'm still passionate about this idea. So if you're in the Kansas City area, and would be willing to have a design junior or senior shadow your for 3-4 hours one day, PLEASE let me know? Sometime in February, I started a project that just last month was finished and delivered samples. Since I work full-time, I don't take on many freelance clients at all. This one was fun, and I hope to do more projects with them. The Irish Center at Union Station had an Irish Winterfest, like a mini-Irish Fest, over the course of several weekends. I discovered why being sleepy and drunk are great for creativity in this article. And in this article about making ideas happen, I was quoted for my pearl of wisdom, "Under-promise and over-deliver. Every time." Thanks for reading, Cami p.s. Your good juju today: Consider sharing your knowledge with young people. Maybe they don't have to learn everything the hard way, like we did. =) Comments are closed.
Cami Travis-GrovesGood juju-spreader, speaker, graphic designer. I'd love to hear from you! Archives
June 2014