![]() Pardon my absence, I've been tracing some family roots with my awesome Aunt Shirley and wonderful Cousin Krissy in and around Cullman, Alabama. Of all the stereotypes I'd imagined of Alabama, the only one that turned out to be true was the southern hospitality. Seriously, people there are REALLY nice. Especially to strangers. And especially in Holly Pond, Alabama. We stopped at the local library/museum there to ask if anyone knew of any cemeteries that contained any Shultz, Watson, Mize, or Travis names. And, thanks to a local man at the library, we found them! Mayor Herman Nail personally thanked us for coming to Holly Pond and welcomed us back any time. And meant it! I discovered that one of my great-grandmothers (I think) went by the endearing name of Granny Dick; that's her in the photo, on the right (the story of how a woman named Mary Alice came to be known as Dick escape me for now, but I know it involved a peddler). There are other awesome names in the family tree, like Edna (my grandpa's mother), Opal Hazel Gertrude, Eula Bell, Aunt Della (pronounced "Ain't Deller"), Pearl and Bazzel, and Dock Watson. My cousin Bette (who gets my vote for best accent ever) showed us around and organized the mini-family reunion, which turned out to be the highlight of Aunt Shirley's trip. At the family reunion, I met cousins I didn't even know I had, and had fun playing a game called Squiggle with distant Cousin Deqlyn—how's THAT for an awesome name—and her brothers Keigan and Kamdon. Alabama is a beautiful state—currently in full bloom—with well-kept roads, good food (try Johnny's BBQ in Cullman, ask Chelsea to tell you what the day's desserts are), with helpful and kind people who have a range of rich accents. I'm proud to say my family comes from such a lovely place. I look forward to going back. Thanks for reading, Cami =) Comments are closed.
Cami Travis-GrovesGood juju-spreader, speaker, graphic designer. I'd love to hear from you! Archives
June 2014