Stop feeling bad about doodling during meetings and phone calls. Here's a great article from Discover about how doodling helps concentration during monotonous stuff, like meetins and phone calls—participants recalled 29% more than those who were just listening without doodling. There's another write-up of the same study here from Time. I think artists could have told you this all along. I'm always doodling, especially during meetings and phone calls. Then, darling Jeff Fisher posted this on FB, via Brain Pickings (I LOVE that blog—so much goodness there!). "Beloved cartoonist Lynda Barry is teaching a university-level course on doodling and neuroscience that you can audit remotely for free. She’s posting the weekly assignments on her Tumblr – this is the first one." Thanks for reading, Cami =) p.s. Your good juju today" Comments are closed.
Cami Travis-GrovesGood juju-spreader, speaker, graphic designer. I'd love to hear from you! Archives
June 2014