![]() I had a nice chat yesterday with Tim Colley at Bird Sings. You remember him, don't you? I mentioned his shop back in December. I was running a quick errand (trying to return some boots, but I couldn't find the freakin' store—but that's another story entirely), and thought I'd stop in and say hello. As always, Tim was friendly and, naturally, we started chatting. We ended up talking about religion, gay marriage, gun control, with a dash about our parents. Of course. =) Tim and I both think it's beneficial that people are talking about these controversial subjects. It's tragic that shootings are what it takes to bring this about, but at least people are discussing things. My stance on gun control: I really don't want guns in my house. But I absolutely defend, with both fists, your right to own a gun. Please don't use it to hurt anyone unless you're defending your life. Then, aim carefully, please. My stance on gay marriage: I really don't want to marry a woman. But, again, I absolutely defend your right to marry a person of your choosing. Please don't be greedy and try to marry more than one person at a time. And make sure you're both adults. And human. Then, be nice to each other, for pete's sake! My stance on religion: I really don't want religion in my life (notice the theme here?). But I defend your right to believe what you want to. Please don't believe everything you're told; do think for yourself. And please don't hurt others who don't believe what you do. (On a side note, I rather like Alain deBoton's view of religion: take the really good bits, and toss the rest. But I'll save that discussion for another post—if I've not done it already, that is…) Tim and I agreed that people just need to use a little more common sense, be less selfishness, and have more love for each other. It is, after all, the most powerful (non-physical) force in the universe, right? If only we were in charge… Do stop by Bird Sings, say hello to Tim and his staff, and see their downstairs gallery. They have a huge wooden star down there that I just love! Thanks for reading, Cami =) Comments are closed.
Cami Travis-GrovesGood juju-spreader, speaker, graphic designer. I'd love to hear from you! Archives
June 2014