![]() Day three started out fine, had a huge hiccup, and ended wonderfully. So overall, I would have to say the say was good. In the lobby of the Sheraton, drinking my coffee, I waved down Andy Epstein, one of the most positive people I know. From what I've heard, he's killing it here at HOW (like I'm surprised—not)! He introduced me to Mark McGuinness who gave two talks this year at HOW, who was a big hit, especially with his delicate English accent. A very pleasant way to start the day. Wandered up to the sessions, and while standing in line waiting to get into the auditorium for Chip Kidd's talk, I was comparing schedules with Amy and Mel on our phones using the wonderful HOW app. Having just consumed a large Starbuck's coffee and possessing one of the world's most petite bladders, I headed off to take care of things before the session started. I ran into Lain Livingston, whom I met at last year's HOW in Denver, on the way to the loo. Then back inside, to where Amy and Mel had saved me a seat. After sitting through Chip's talk (which I'll discuss later), I noticed my phone wasn't in my bag. I retraced my steps—still no phone. I asked all my HOWies to tweet asking for good HOW juju in my phone being returned. Alas, after more than a day, my phone is lost for good. Too bad. I just got it Tuesday. It was a sweet phone. While the loss of my phone has left a giant hole in my communications with this HOW Conference, it really opened my eyes to just how addicted I had become to the instantaneousness (is that even a word?) of social media and email. And while I've been lamenting the loss with much wailing and gnashing of teeth, I've been calm and positive, not letting it affect my mood or the time I spend with my HOW buddies. I'll just have to suck it up when I get home and get a new phone. So, onto the HOW Conference sessions. While Chip Kidd's talk was overall interesting, his opening comments turned me off of him, possibly for good. These were his words. "It's 9 a.m. Saturday morning. (pause) What the hell are you doing here? (pause) I don't want to be here. (pause) I'd rather be in bed. (pause) Blowing my boyfriend." —I am certainly NOT a prude, but I was a little stunned. — Then, the icing to this proverbial cake, he proceeds to make the gestures of doing said blowing, while trying to say good morning. This crossed the line from that-coulda-been-funny to that-is-information-I-don't-need-to-know. If I had gotten up on stage and done that, it would have been disastrous! So, he not only told his audience that he didn't want to be there in front of us, he offended a great majority of us. How he could possibly be invited back, ever, is beyond me. Even if he does draw a crowd, how can HOW allow this? I'm curious to see what they do, if anything, about that. BTW, you'll have to ask Stefan Mumaw about the fez. I caught the majority of David Sherwin's talk about becoming a design leader. I tell you, I could listen to that man talk all day long. Such eloquently stated, $15 sentences, packed with content, in artfully formed verbal paragraphs, loaded with information that you didn't know you didn't know. Home run there, as always. Four full pages of notes from that talk, all action items. Love it! Sat in on Von's session—always rock solid, and always delicious graphics in his presentation. No wonder why he's got a bazillion twitter followers. Ok, moving on to the great part of my day. I attended Peleg Top's After Hours session called The Art and Science of Designing an Abundant Life. Little did I realize how much that would resonate with me. The triangle of Love, Gratitude, and Creativity. All three working in concert. This session deserves a post all it's own. Ooo, good plan. Then I got to have dinner with Peleg, Mark McGuinness, Julie Goldsberry, Line Livingston, Marlin Lopez, and I went out to dinner, and had wonderful easy conversation. I really needed it. More later. Thanks for reading. Cami p.s. Your Good Juju Today: Just like a dance is more than a series of poses, the HOW Conference is a wonderful flow of energy, not to be missed. |
Cami Travis-GrovesGood juju-spreader, speaker, graphic designer. I'd love to hear from you! Archives
June 2014